So don't let your schooling get in the way of your education.
Para-phrasing more from this great writer, I am reminded that the secret to success is having a clear view of where you are going. But you must also know that you can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
So get your facts first and then you can distort them as much as you wish. But when in doubt, just tell the truth. And believe in yourself .
The real secret to success in life is to make your vocation your vacation.
And remember that denial isn't just a river in Egypt. So face you self and got on with it.
Find people who encourage you and shun people who be-little others and their ambitions. Small people do that, but great people make you feel you can be great too.
So you see, it is much easier to start off as a great person. Why not?
I believe this man had great wisdom, even in his early days, that has inspired many for generations.
Here is an artcle from the New York Times dated Mar 21, 1920, Entitled TOPICS OF THE WEEK; CHANGING HUMOR. Interesting.
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