Tuesday, December 9, 2014


The first album I ever bought was John Lee Hooker and Canned Heat. Of course if you have listened to that you would know that the “harp” plays a special role.
I have been playing piano for my own pleasure since I was a kid and continue to work on improving but of course if you want to move around a bit it is a bit difficult to take the piano. I have a lovely Kawai grand but the little harp just fits in my pocket.
These days I am working as an artist and the piano shares space in my studio which opens out into our covered back patio and doubles as a performance or workshop space.  Over the years we have had a regular end of year show when I would play, along with all the kids who were learning instruments. Most of those kids now are professional musicians! But I stick to my art
In addition to painting I have recently started to build skills working with glass with very pleasing results. 
You are most welcome to visit the studio.
Nada Murphy
Fine Artist
10 Holland Street
Wembley WA 6014
+61 08 93873162

+61 0400031952

Monday, June 23, 2014


Winter, that season in the year that has come around again.
A chilled air, the days sunny and clear
 I have always loved winter’s in this city
 Even though as the years pass I hanker more for the fine hot days of the north
 Once discovered they are hard to pass up
Along the with open space and the starry nights.
This year we have no escape route though from the morning chill
As a child winters were a time for those last minutes in bed to be savored.
 It was a small weatherboard house that did not insulate you from the frosty air.
The pace was set for almost running for the train to keep your soul from the cold. 
And the rain would drizzle over the day grey and monotone.
 We wore black and dessert boots.
Now the cold just seeps into to these complaining bones
A sunny day is the gift.
People refer to the autumn years
Autumn colours are warming even though the life is leaving the leaves.
The tree survives another season
Winter is for when we grow cold.
The cold sits in my body more with each passing year
And that some things in winter simply hibernate
But others challenge the myth that spring is the only time for the emergence of new life.
I celebrate my own birth in the month of July. 
Yes smack in the middle of winter.
I will live every winter to the full.